Optimize your trade settings to get the best execution on your trades
Why Modify Your Trade Settings?
Optimize your trades for the best execution—whether you prioritize speed, cost, or security.
Where to Update Settings
- From the trade screen (top left corner)
- Via the settings modal on the main screen
Trade Settings Options
- Default Settings:
- Fast: Prioritizes speed for high-slippage tokens.
Economy: Reduces fees, ideal for trading more stable tokens.
- Fast: Prioritizes speed for high-slippage tokens.
- Customizable Settings
- Priority Fee: Add a fee (minimum 0.001 SOL recommended) to ensure faster transaction completion.
- Bribe: Offer an additional fee to validators to prioritize your trade.
- Slippage: Set a tolerance level for price changes.
- Tip: Low slippage avoids unfavorable pricing, but too low may cause transaction failure.
- MEV Protection:
- On: Ensures better pricing and security.
- Off: Speeds up transaction time. (Think of MEV as similar to Payment for Order Flow).
- RPC: Advanced setting to customize the backend route for your orders.

Order Page, settings in top left show 3% slippage

Transaction Settings
Updated 9 days ago